Hey everyone :) I'm Lauren. This is my blog.


16. Female. Aotearoa, New Zealand. NZ European.

I like music, travelling, stationery, food, Asia, sleeping in, cats, fanfiction, cute things, posters, daydreaming, peppermint tea with honey, languages, noise-cancelling headphones, science fiction, fantasy novels, the smell of books, trim lattes with two sugars, dollhouse furniture and browsing through online shops.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Mocks soon

From tomorrow onwards I have mock exams. I'm so not keen for them. Three English exams, and one each of maths, chemistry, physics and Chinese. No exams for IT, thank goodness, because that is all internally marked.

I'm kind of sad that I'll be dropping my sciences next year, but it's the most practical option, to be perfectly honest. At least I get to take up history -- we had better be doing the Tudors, because I absolutely adore that period in history. I didn't want to take history this year because of all the possible topics that we might do, only two of them really interested me. I can't even remember what they were, now.

I really should stop procrastinating and get on with doing some more english study. "It's only mocks," everyone says. Hahahahaha yeah no. There's still the pressure to do well, and yet there is the overwhelming temptation to just say 'screw it!' and not do anything all afternoon.

I should go back to my Shakespeare. Maybe I'll have some russian fudge too, that is delicious. Hopefully Mum won't notice just one piece missing~

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